Selected Exhibitions Giegold & Weiß
- “The Queer Family Album,” participation in group exhibition, curated by Katharina Bosse, Elsa-Artspace, Bielefeld.
- “Blitze Frösche Chaos”, cycle of paintings, acrylic on raw canvas, solo exhibition,
private art salon Matthias Winkler. - “FtM vs HIV – medical Lubewrestling,” solo exhibition, Giegold & Weiß, Checkpoint Berlin.
- “Motherhood. Not / Not yet / Not anymore / Maybe / Motherhood”, participation in group exhibition curated by Nicole Giese-Kroner, Syker Vorwerk, Syke.
- “Genitals on Trial.”
Participatory performance, as part of the event series “Utopia/Dystopia,” curated by Todd & Zoya for C/O Berlin. - “Genitals on Trial”
Participatory performance and artist talk, as part of the symposium “Gender, Sexuality and Cultural Memory,” curated by Prof Simon Dickel,
Campus Zollverein, Essen. - “Mercury Rising- A Roundtable Discussion in English”
Roundtable focusing on allyship/artistic practice/representations of inter* in art and society.
with Adeline Berry, Sunil Gupta, Luan Pertl, Sylvia Sadzinski, Charan Singh, Sean Saifa Wall, Tomka Weiß, Schwules Museum, Berlin. - “Allyship Athletics: An inter* + ally Action Night.”
Participatory art event, Alex Giegold, Luan Pertl, Silvia Sadzinsky, Tomka Weiß, Schwules Museum, Berlin. - “All the Things Said.”
Lecture performance on utopias/queer activism and the participatory performance “Genitals on Trial”, hosted by Prof Ren Fiss (California College of Arts), Schwules Museum, Berlin. - “Motherhood. Not / Not yet / Not anymore / Maybe / Motherhood,” participation in group exhibition curated by Nicole Giese-Kroner, Syker Vorwerk, Syke.
- “Mercury Rising – Inter* Hermstory[ies] Now and Then.”
Exhibition concept and curation, Alex Giegold, Ins A Kromminga, Ev Blaine Matthigack, Luan Pertl, Sylvia Sadzinski, Tomka Weiß, Schwules Museum, Berlin. - “Future Spaces.”
Walk-through multimedia installation, Giegold & Weiß, Schwules Museum, Berlin. - “social poetics* activism”
Lecture performance on utopias/queer activism and the curation of “Mercury Rising – Inter* Hermstory[ies] Now and Then”, Sylvia Sadzinski, Tomka Weiß, curated by Vincent Schier, Kunstverein, Göttingen.
- „TRIAL and ERROR, TRANSforming health and justice“, Solo-Exhibition, Schwules Museum, Berlin.
- „FtM vs HIV – medical Lubewrestling“, performative installation, Schwules Museum, Berlin.
- „Genitals on Trial“, performative installation, Schwules Museum, Berlin.
- „FtM vs HIV – medical Lubewrestling“, performative installation, Schwules Museum, Berlin.
- „Trans Voice Box“, audioinstallation, Un-Ghosting Voices, Galerie im Turm, Berlin.
- „Lachanschlag“, installation, LUCKY, nGbK/neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst, Berlin.
- „Lachanschlag“, installation, travels through Europe with The Gallery Project by Transnational Queer Underground.
- „Genitals on Trial“, performative installation, Thealit Lab Debatterie!, Bremen
- „Scanned“, publication and installation, in the performative exhibition LABOUR_LAB by THIELEN_TRETAU, Berlin.
- „Zeit der Schatten“, 48 Stunden Neukölln, Café Ole, Berlin.
- „Lachanschlag“, performative installation, in the context of 21 Days of Resistance, Theater X, Berlin.
- “Lachanschlag”, installation, exhibition Resistance/Rememberance in the context of TFFB/TransFormations – Trans* Film Festival Berlin, Werkstatt der Kulturen, Berlin
- “Über das Meer”, solo exhibition, Greifswalder Museumswerft, Greifswald.
- “Lachanschlag”, event installation, Institute for Queer Theory, Ballhaus Berlin, Berlin.
- “Über das Meer”, solo exhibition, Brodelpott Walle, Bremen.
- “Über das Meer”, group exhibition Lange Nacht der Illustration, Studio BKS, Berlin.
- “Genital Call”, installation, exhibition, as part of the Thealit symposium Ordnung/Struktur, digital platform, Bremen.
- “Genital Call”, installation, exhibition Secret ingredients in the context of the play TRANS GENDER MOVES, Brut/Konzerthauskeller, Vienna.
- “Genital Call”, installation, in What is queer Today is not Queer Tomorrow, nGbK/neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst, Berlin.
- “Giants”, installation, in the context of Trans*tagung Berlin, Verlagsgebäude des Neuen Deutschland, Berlin.
- “Giants”, installation, Thealit symposium Schutzraum, Kulturbunker, Bremen.
- “Giants”, installation, exhibition of queer* artists, TrIQ, Berlin.
- “Giants”, installation, exhibition in the context of the lecture series un/verblümt, Galerie Herold, Bremen.
- “Giants”, installation, exhibition in the context of the musicfestival Q-Flash, Belle Etage, Bremen.