New publication:
October 2018

published: 2018/06/11

The work “scanned”, to which Giegold & Weiß also wrote the text for the anthology “Nicht nur Mütter waren schwanger”, was shown in June 2017 in the performative exhibition LABOUR_LAB by THIELEN_TRETAU (Diana Thielen & Alisa Tretau) as part of 48h Neukölln.

Alisa Tretau (Hg.) / german book
Nicht nur Mütter waren schwanger
Unerhörte Perspektiven auf die vermeintlich natürlichste Sache der Welt
Softcover | 140 x 205 mm
ca. 128 pages | ca. 12,80 Euro
ISBN 978-3-96042-041-5 | WG 2-973

neue Gesellschaft
für bildende Kunst
new society
for fine arts

published: 2018/06/10

07 July 2018 – 02 September 2018
Exhibition of the work “Lachanschlag” as part of LUCKY