August 2024
published: 2024/08/124T – The Trans Body Rights Ar/ctivist Archive
Opening: Sat 14.09.2024, 6pm
15.09.2024 – 15.12.2024
Otto Wagner Areal, ehem. “Direktion”
Stiege 2, Hochparterre, Baumgartner Höhe 1
1140 Wien
March 2024
published: 2024/03/15Dear all,
a warm invitation to the book release and exhibition of our or rather Tomka’s paintings for the book. The title of the book is (with all subtitles it has a marvellous, outstanding, proud 17 words): “Von Fröschen, Einhörnern und Schmetterlingen. Trans*_queere Wirklichkeiten und visuelle Politiken. Schriften von Josch Hoenes (1972 – 2019)”. We are delighted that a collection of Josch Hoenes’ texts, edited by Robin Bauer, Adrian de Silva and Utan Schirmer, has now been published in print. Enclosed is the flyer, with one of the acrylic paintings from the series “Blitze Frösche Chaos”, which was created for and with the book and is named after one of Josch’s essays.
Saturday 23 March, 7pm
in Aquarium/Südblock, Skalitzer Straße 6, Berlin-Kreuzberg
Readings at the book release are expected to be given by Ren Fiss, Birga Meyer, Marek Sancho Hoehne, Noah Munier, Rena Onat and Gin Müller. After the inspiring excerpts from Josch’s writings, there will be an opportunity to chat, reminisce, discuss the texts, admire the large-format acrylic paintings in detail or enjoy the surprises we have prepared for you in memory of the wonderful parties that Josch organised and enjoyed during his lifetime. Anna Matz will take photos (those who don’t want to be in photos will have the opportunity to do so).
If there are people among you who enjoy bar service (selling drinks) or door (admission), then you are welcome to get in touch, we still need support here.
And what else? … There is a lot to tell. Together with Gin Müller, we are curating an exhibition on trans* archives and rights at the Queer Museum Vienna, about which we are extremely excited and which we are lucky enough to be able to show in San Francisco (…) in 2025. In this context, what inspires us are the new collaborations as well as the excellent, tried and tested ones such as the one with Ren Fiss.
Our focus and the direction in which we, together with Luan Pertl, think, act, work and fantasise is still the creation of an inter* and trans* archive within the archive of the Schwules Museum. As a first step, our “Trans*cestors” format is currently making the trans* pre- and posthumous bequests in the SMU archive accessible to the public. With Kai* Brust, Frede Macioszek and Jamie Janicek, we are part of a wonderful project team.Thanks to the good cooperation and support of the SMU and the funding of contemporary history and remembrance culture projects by the Berlin Senate, the funding for this accessibility has been secured.
But now, Josch, back to you! We hope to see many of you in Berlin at the book release…
It is being organised by Robin Bauer, Utan Schirmer and Tomka Weiß. The host is the hms – Hannchen-Mehrzweck-Stiftung für queere Bewegungen.
Best regards and see you there.
Alex & Tomka